Waitsless is a game with no real reason to exist. it is a small game that is currently in development. You play a head with a hat and you need to destroy enemies with your hat. If you touch them with your head you are dead.

Controls: A and D to move. W to jump (works every 5 seconds). R to reset the level. ESC to pause the game and adjust the volume or quit the game.

Development log


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 Ich brauche mehr Level!




Bruh. I made that...

are you sure



Yes. Now please stop spamming my comment section.

(1 edit)

IT STILL DOESENT C:\Users\\Desktop\2021-05-12 20_28_43-Waistless by Ghoast.png WORK


y e ik

i just miss taped

(1 edit)

ah I see I still cant open menu in the first level!!!

ah I see I still cant open menu in the first level!!!ah I see I still cant open menu in the first level!!!ah I see I still cant open menu in the first level!!!
ah I see I still cant open menu in the first level!!!ah I see I still cant open menu in the first level!!!ah I see I still cant open menu in the first level!!!
(1 edit)

Dude i told i you it is going to be fixed today with the 0.1.7 update.

  1. ok

ur game has no bugs very good


Deleted 3 years ago

Thanks. xd